All Posts · Animal tales

Twelve feathered chooks

When we should be renovating our barn to live in, we instead settle twelve chickens into a lovely coop!  Its been a hectic month and blog posting had to set aside in pursuit of building our girls a home. Our first eggs after just a few days was a great reward. I have to go back to London this weekend for a month, but that will give me some space to get on with more writing.

I will introduce you to my girls, my new pursuits and how the blog will be developing. It’s been a wonderful month of planning and the garden also gained more structure too.  Sometimes getting your outdoor environment in order makes that big barn project less daunting as you can always escape to the garden for solace.

So a bit late for Easter, but appropriate, a few posts about chooks. I adore our little feathered friends. They have taken my mind off some of my rather stressful issues I am dealing with right now.  So whisk up an omelette and to make it even better before serving add a couple of slices of brie. The perfect breakfast.


4 thoughts on “Twelve feathered chooks

    1. Chicken swings not yet made. Rope and wood in workshop though. The temporary one didn’t get used. One chicken…Plumb did try but not for long. I have to go to UK Sunday so might not have time. How are you getting on with having more time? Will catch up on your blog when in UK as lots of free time whilst there. 🙂

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      1. I wonder if mine is too wobbly but might have to encourage them a bit to use it. Getting used to having the house to myself and enjoying the space. Simon still needs time to adjust and has been struggling a bit now the honeymoon period is over and hes realizing his move is permanent but our relationship is better for it. He still needs quite a bit of support but thats easier than when i was doing everything.

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      2. I think chickens are smart but need some initial training. I will have to do my swings when back home in a month. Going to miss the girls. Good for you both to push for independence but still supporting together.

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