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Finally arrived

A little behind with goose update. But here is arrival. Already in just a couple of weeks feathers are growing, Tony is being honk, honked at whenever he dissapears from view and best of all my grass is getting trimmed.

These girls will grow to 3 feet tall and being a heavy breed of goose – Toulouse – will be unlikely to fly. I don’t want to clip their wings. It just doesn’t seem right.

If you think geese can be temperamental and aggressive..think again as these two videos show. Some characters!

Welcome home Barley, Bumble and Bonnie.

7 thoughts on “Finally arrived

  1. Darlings! I loved the film of their home-coming and I was amused by the bonkers lady with the big white goosey in a nappy too. I am very glad you will be home soon to start bonding with these babies and I am certain they will give you value in so many ways for years to come. I know where to come when we finally settle in our forever place with advice on the geese and the chickens now … your list is growing – I hope you are ready for the onslaught from me when the time comes!

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    1. Naming isn’t easy. God knows how parents decide with their children. I never liked my name and changed it’s spelling. The geese will probably end up with corrupted nicknames as time goes by. I am already calling Bonnie – bon bon. Tony has christened all the chickens with their tags but not sure the right tag is with the right chicken. Probably find some confused heads when I get back with pickle fed up being called poppy especially as poppy is number one chicken. Pickle couldn’t be bothered with that job…too much agro getting everyone to bed at night.

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